Difference Between Git Fetch and Git Pull

You need some understanding before understanding the deference between git fetch and git pull. Git is a popular version control system that allows developers to track changes to their code and collaborate with others. Git offers several commands to help users manage their code, including “git pull” and “git fetch.” Although these two commands may seem similar, there are important differences between them.

What is the Git Fetch:

“Git fetch” is a command that retrieves changes from a remote repository and stores them in the local repository. However, it does not automatically merge these changes with the local code. Instead, it updates the local copy of the remote branches, so you can view the changes and compare them with your local code.

When you run the “git fetch” command, Git updates the local repository’s metadata to reflect any changes in the remote repository. “The ‘git fetch’ command enables you to view any new branches or tags that someone has added, as well as any changes made to existing branches in the remote repository.” However, this command does not modify any of your local files, so it is safe to use at any time.

What is the Git Pull:

“Git pull” is a command that retrieves changes from a remote repository and merges them with the local repository. In contrast to “git fetch,” which only fetches changes from the remote repository, “git pull” not only retrieves changes but also incorporates them into the local repository by merging them.

When you run “git pull,” Git will automatically download and merge any new changes from the remote repository into your local branch. If there are any conflicts between the remote and local repositories, Git will prompt you to resolve them before completing the merge.

Difference Between Git Fetch and Git Pull

The primary difference between “git pull” and “git fetch” is that git pull will automatically merge changes with the local repository, whereas “git fetch” will only download the changes to the local repository. Therefore, “git pull” may result in conflicts that must be resolved manually, whereas “git fetch” will never cause conflicts as it only downloads the changes.

When to use:

If you want to see the changes in a remote repository without modifying your local code, you can use “git fetch.” This command is useful when you want to see what has changed in a remote repository, but you are not ready to merge the changes into your local branch.

If you want to download the changes from the remote repository and merge them with your local code, use “git pull.” This command is useful when you are ready to update your code with the changes from a remote repository.


In summary, “git fetch” is used to download changes from a remote repository without modifying the local code. While the “git pull” is used to download changes and merge them with the local code.

General Knowledge

You can read more about the Source Control System and general knowledge.


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