How to Get Records of Specific Month in MySQL

Specifically, to get records of specific month in MySQL, you can use the MONTH() function in your SELECT query. The MONTH() function extracts the month from a given date or datetime value. Here is an example query that returns all records with a date in March:

How to Get Records of Specific Month

Now, You can run the query below to get all records of specific month, like March in the example below.

SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE MONTH(date_column) = 3

In this query, my_table is the name of your table and date_column is the name of the column that contains the date values. The WHERE clause filters the results to only include records where the month extracted from the date_column value is equal to 3, which represents March.

If you want to filter records by a different month, simply replace the 3 in the query with the corresponding month number. For example, to retrieve records for April, use MONTH(date_column) = 4.

It’s important to note that the MONTH() function will only work correctly if the column being evaluated is a date or datetime data type. Now, you may need to use additional functions or conversion techniques to extract the month.

Find All Records in a Specific Month and Year

Accordingly, You may need to find all records in a specific month and year to refine your MySQL query. Thus, you can use the query below example to find all records in a specific month and year.

SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE MONTH(date_column) = 3 AND YEAR(date_column) = 2023;

Finally, above SQL query is selecting all columns and rows from a table named “my_table” where the month of the “date_column” is equal to March (represented by the number 3) and the year of the “date_column” is equal to 2023.

In other words, this query is retrieving all the records from the table “my_table” that have a date falling in the month of March 2023. In summary, using the MONTH() function in a MySQL SELECT query is an easy and efficient way to retrieve records with a specific month.

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