How to Undo Last Commit in Git?

For instance, You can use the git reset command with the --soft, --mixed, or --hard options to undo the last commit in Git. Indeed, you can use git commands in sequence to achieve this.

Undo Last Commit in Git

In fact, you need to carefully follow these steps to undo last commit in Git. For Instance, Here are the steps to follow:

1. Commit History

Check your commit history First, run the command git log to check your commit history. This will show you the most recent commits at the top of the list, with a unique commit hash for each.

2. Comment Reset Option

Determine which reset option to use Next, you need to determine which reset option you want to use based on your desired outcome.

  • Firstly, If you want to undo the last commit but keep the changes in your working directory, you can use git reset --soft HEAD~1.
  • Secondly, If you want to undo the last commit and unstage the changes, you can use git reset --mixed HEAD~1.
  • Then, If you want to completely undo the last commit and all changes, you can use git reset --hard HEAD~1.

Note: Be careful when using the --hard option, as it will discard all changes made in the last commit and cannot be undone.

Resetting the Commit

Finally, You can run the reset command with the desired options. For example, to undo the last commit but keep the changes in your working directory, you can run git reset --soft HEAD~1.

Working Directory

Now, Check your working directory After running the reset command, check your working directory to ensure that the changes are in the desired state. If you used the --soft option, the changes should still be present in your working directory. If you used the --mixed option, the changes should be unstaged. If you used the --hard option, all changes should be removed.

Commit Again

Now, you can make necessary changes and commit again. Even, If you made a mistake and want to undo the undo, you can use git reflog to find the commit hash of the commit before the reset and use git reset again to restore it. Now, if you are satisfied with the changes in your working directory, you can make any necessary edits and commit them again using git commit -m "message".

Conclusion: Undo Last Commit in Git

In conclusion, You can use the git reset command with the –soft, –mixed or –hard options to undo the last commit in Git. Specifically, you can carefully consider to use options for your desired outcome, as the –hard option cannot be undone.

Git Related Discussions

Subsequently, you can read useful system administration knowledge related to the Git on this website.


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